
//1. 문자 길이
int strlen(char* s)
 char* temp = s;
 while (*++temp)
  ; /* not thing */

 return temp - s;

//2. 문자열 복사. source -> dest
void strcpy(char* dest, char* source)
 while (*dest++ = *source++)
  ; /*not thing*/

//3. strcmp(char * dest, char* source)
int strcmp(char* dest, char* source)
 for (; *dest && *source; dest++, source++){
  ; /* not thing*/
 if (*source - *dest > 0){
  return 1;
 else if (*source - *dest < 0){
  return -1;
  return *source - *dest;

// ASCII TO INTEGER 4. atoi(char *) : 문자 -> 숫자.
int atoi(char* source){
 int num = 0;
 for (; *source; source++)
  num = 10 * num + *source - '0';
 return num;
//5. integer to ascii : 숫자 -> 문자
void itoa(int num, char* src)

 //거꾸로 복사하고
 //num = 12345;
 char* temp = src;
 while (num > 0)
  char c = num % 10 + '0';
  *temp++ = c;

  num = num / 10;

 printf("text: %s \n", src);

 //src = 54321
 //14325 -> 12345
 for (; --temp - src > 0; temp, src++)
  char c = *src;
  *src = *temp;
  *temp = c;

void main()
 char ch[10] = "1234";
 char temp[10] = "ab";

 printf("strlen(%s): %d \n", ch, strlen(ch));
 //strcpy(temp, ch);
 printf("strcpy(%s, temp) = > temp : %s \n", ch, temp);

 printf("strcmp(%s, %s) : %d \n", ch, temp, strcmp(ch, temp));

 printf("atoi(%s): %d \n", ch, atoi(ch));

 itoa(12340, ch);
 printf("itoa(12340, ch): %s \n", ch);

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